Why Play?

Many years ago, I translated a giant list of 84,000 English words into 9 other languages. I was 17 and naïve thinking I could use this for sentence translations. The resulting dataset wasn’t completely useless, however. By joining on the translation results and using fuzzy matching I could do all sorts of odd things – like find similar words.

Tell your friends!

Or dont! Seriously, we don't care...

SoundsLike (Metaphone)

This form takes a single word locates other words in the database that sound similar according to the Metaphone alogrithm. Feel free to add a % sign to the beginning and/or end of the word to match wildcards.

Word Language Dirty?
ääliö Dutch False
ääliö Dutch False
Ääliö Dutch False
ääliö Dutch False
ääliö Dutch True
ääliö Dutch True
ääliö Finnish True
ääliö Finnish False
Ääliö Finnish False
ääliö Finnish False
ääliö Finnish True
ääliö Finnish False
ääliö Latin False
ääliö Latin False
ääliö Latin True
ääliö Latin True
ääliö Latin False
Ääliö Latin False
álibi Portuguese False
Baal English False
babble English False
Babel English False
babiole French False
bail English False
bail French False
bailaba Spanish False
baile Portuguese False
Baile Portuguese False
baile Spanish False
bailee English False
bailía Spanish False
bâilla French False
baille French False
Bala Portuguese False
bala Portuguese False
Bala Spanish False
balai French False
balai French False
balai French False
balaie French False
Balão Portuguese False
balão Portuguese False
Balboa English False
bale English False
Bâle French False
Baleia Portuguese False
Bali Dutch False
Bali English False
Bali Finnish False
Bali Latin False
balia Italian False
Ball English False
balla Italian False
ballai Italian False
Balle French False
balle French False
balle French False
bälle German False
ballo Italian False
bauble English False
bauli Italian False
bbl English False
Beall English False
beil German False
bel English False
bel Italian False
bel Italian False
Bela English False
Belau English False
beleño Spanish False
Bell English False
bell Italian False
bella English False
bella Italian False
Belle English False
Belle French False
belle French False
Belleau English False
belli English False
bello Italian False
Bello Italian False
bello Italian False
Belo English False
Beule German False
Bibel German False
Bible English False
Bíblia Portuguese False
bilabiée French False
bile English False
bile French False
Bill English False
Billie English False
billyo English False
billyoh English False
biloba English False
bilobé French False
bla Italian False
bla Spanish False
bla Spanish False
blá Portuguese False
blah English False
Blaia English False
blau German False
Ble English False
blei German False
blei German False
bleu English False
bleu French False
Bleu French False
bloß German False
Bloße German False
blöße German True
BLU English False
blue English False
bobble English False
Boell English False
boil English False
bola English False
Bola Portuguese False
bola Spanish False
bolão Portuguese False
bole English False
bolha Portuguese False
bolha Portuguese False
Bolha Portuguese False
boll English False
Bolla Italian False
bollo Italian False
bollo Spanish False
bollo Spanish False
bolo English False
bolo Italian False
bolo Portuguese False
bolo Spanish False
Boole English False
bouillie French False
boule English False
Boule French False
boule French False
bouleau French False
boulle English False
bowel English False
Bubble English False
buhl English False
Bul English False
Bulawayo English False
bulbe French False
bulbi English False
bulbo Italian False
bulbo Italian False
bulbo Portuguese False
bulbo Spanish False
bulbo Spanish False
bule Portuguese False
bull English False
bulla English False
bullae English False
bulle French False
Bulle French False
bullo Italian False
buñuelo Spanish False
éboulée French False
él Spanish False
él Spanish False
Él Spanish False
él, Spanish False
Habile French False
habille French False
habillé French False
Habillée French False
habillée French False
Habla Spanish False
habla Spanish False
habló Spanish False
hail English False
Haile English False
halaa Dutch False
halaa Finnish False
halaa Latin False
halbe German False
halbe German False
Hale English False
hall English False
Halla Dutch False
halla Dutch False
halla Finnish False
Halla Finnish False
halla Latin False
Halla Latin False
hallah English False
Halle English False
halle German False
hallo German False
Hallo German False
halloh German False
halloo English False
halo English False
halo Portuguese False
haloo Dutch False
haloo Finnish False
haloo Latin False
Halu Dutch False
Halu Finnish False
Halu Latin False
haluaa Dutch False
haluaa Dutch False
haluaa Dutch False
haluaa Finnish False
haluaa Finnish False
haluaa Finnish False
haluaa Latin False
haluaa Latin False
haluaa Latin False
haul English False
hawala English False
heal English False
Hebbel English False
hebel German False
hebilla Spanish False
heel English False
heil German False
heil German False
Heille Dutch False
Heille Finnish False
Heille Latin False
heilua Dutch False
heilua Dutch False
heilua Finnish False
heilua Finnish False
heilua Latin False
heilua Latin False
Hel English False
Hela English False
Hela German False
helio Spanish False
hell English True
Hell German False
he'll English False
hellä Dutch False
hellä Finnish False
hellä Latin False
hello English False
hielo Spanish False
hielo Spanish False
Hiili Dutch False
Hiili Finnish False
Hiili Latin False
hila Dutch False
hila Finnish False
hila Latin False
hile French False
hile French False
Hill English False
Hilo English False
hilo Portuguese False
Hilo Spanish False
hobble English False
Hohl German False
hola Spanish False
Hola Spanish False
hola Spanish False
Hola Spanish False
hole English False
holla English False
hollo English False
holloa English False
houle French False
hoyuelo Spanish False
Hubble English False
Hubel English False
huele Spanish False
huella Spanish False
Huella Spanish False
huile French False
Huilée French False
huilu Dutch False
huilu Finnish False
huilu Latin False
hula English False
hule Spanish False
hule Spanish False
Hull English False
hullo English False
hullu Dutch False
hullu Dutch False
hullu Dutch False
Hullu Dutch False
hullu Dutch False
hullu Dutch False
hullu Finnish False
hullu Finnish False
hullu Finnish False
Hullu Finnish False
hullu Finnish False
hullu Finnish False
hullu Latin False
hullu Latin False
Hullu Latin False
hullu Latin False
hullu Latin False
hullu Latin False
Huoli Dutch False
Huoli Finnish False
Huoli Latin False
huolia Dutch False
huolia Finnish False
huolia Latin False
huuli Dutch False
huuli Finnish False
huuli Latin False
île French False
Île French False
íleo Portuguese False
íleo Spanish False
ílio Portuguese False
L English False
l Italian False
l' French False
la Dutch False
la English False
la Finnish False
la Latin False
Portuguese False
Portuguese False
la baba Spanish False
la bahía Spanish False
la baie French False
la boa Spanish False
La OEA Spanish False
labia English False
labiée French False
labiée French False
labio Spanish False
lábio Portuguese False
laço Portuguese False
laço Portuguese False
lah English False
lähi Dutch False
lähi Finnish False
lähi Latin False
Lahu English False
lai English False
laia Portuguese False
L'AIEA French False
laiha Dutch False
laiha Dutch False
laiha Finnish False
laiha Finnish False
laiha Latin False
laiha Latin False
Lao English False
Lau English False
laube German False
laube German False
l'aube French False
Layia English False
Le English False
le Spanish False
Portuguese False
lea English False
léa French False
Leao Portuguese False
leão Portuguese False
Leão Portuguese False
Lee English False
lee German False
lei English False
lei Italian False
lei Italian False
Leía Spanish False
leña Spanish False
Leo English False
leoa Portuguese False
leu English False
Li English False
li German False
Li Italian False
Italian False
Liao English False
libação Portuguese False
Libia Italian False
Libia Spanish False
Líbia Portuguese False
Libya English False
Libye French False
Lição Portuguese False
lie English False
lie French False
lié French False
Liebe German False
liée French False
Lieh German False
ließ German False
Ließ German False
lieu English False
lieu French False
liha Dutch False
liha Finnish False
liha Latin False
lihaa Dutch False
lihaa Finnish False
lihaa Latin False
Lo English False
Lo Spanish False
Loa English False
lobe English False
lobé French False
lobo Italian False
lobo Portuguese False
loção Portuguese False
Loewe English False
Loewi English False
Lohi Dutch False
Lohi Finnish False
Lohi Latin False
loiça Portuguese False
loo English False
Lou English False
louça Portuguese False
Lowe English False
Löwe German False
Loya English False
Lu English False
lua Portuguese False
luau English False
Luba English False
lube English False
Lue English False
lue Italian False
Lúe Spanish False
lui French False
lui Italian False
Luo Dutch False
Luo English False
Luo Finnish False
Luo Latin False
luu Dutch False
luu Finnish False
luu Latin False
Luyia English False
lwei English False
lye English False
öl German False
Übel German False
Waal English False
Wahl German False
wahl German False
wail English False
wal English False
Wal German False
wale English False
wale German False
wall English False
wall German False
Walla English False
wallah English True
walleye English False
weal English False
Weil English False
Weill English False
Well English False
We'll English False
Welle German False
welle German False
Whale English False
wheal English False
Wheel English False
while English False
Whole English False
wile English False
Will English False
Will German False
Willa English False
Willie English False
willie Portuguese False
wobble English False
wohl German False
wohl German False
Wolle German False
wolle German False
Wool English False
ya lo Spanish False
Yale English False
Yalo English False
Yalu English False
Yell English False
yola Spanish False
yole French False
you'll English False
Yule English False