Why Play?

Many years ago, I translated a giant list of 84,000 English words into 9 other languages. I was 17 and naïve thinking I could use this for sentence translations. The resulting dataset wasn’t completely useless, however. By joining on the translation results and using fuzzy matching I could do all sorts of odd things – like find similar words.

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This form takes a single word, translates it forward into 9 different languages dumps the result. Basic as can be. Enjoy. Feel free to add a % sign to the beginning and/or end of the word to match wildcards.

Source Source Language Target Target Language Dirty?
ola English bonjour French False
ola English ciao Italian False
ola English hey Spanish False
ola Spanish aalto Dutch False
ola Spanish aalto Finnish False
ola Spanish aalto Latin False
Ola Spanish Aufregung German False
ola Spanish beachcomber English False
ola Spanish billow English False
Ola Spanish Enxurrada Portuguese False
Ola Spanish Flurry English False
ola Spanish houle French False
ola Spanish marosi Italian False
ola Spanish ondear Portuguese False
Ola Spanish Raffica Italian False
Ola Spanish Tuulenpuuska Dutch False
Ola Spanish Tuulenpuuska Finnish False
Ola Spanish Tuulenpuuska Latin False
Ola Spanish Vague French False
ola Spanish woge German False